Samuel Weber

Samuel Weber is the Avalon Foundation Professor of Humanities at Northwestern University, as well as Director of that University’s Paris Program in Critical Theory. Weber studied with Paul de Man and Theodor W. Adorno, whose book, Prisms, he co-translated into English. The translation of, and introduction to Theodor Adorno’s most important book of cultural criticism helped shape the reception of the Frankfurt School in the English-speaking world. Weber has also published books on Balzac, Lacan, and Freud, as well as on theatricality as medium and the relation of institutions and media to interpretation. His most recent book has been published in French under the title Inquiétantes singularités (Disquieting Singularities). His current research projects include “Toward a Politics of Singularity” and “Difference and Alterity in the Writings of Derrida.”
