People's Choice Awards: LARB’s Best of 2022

As we bid farewell to a year of painful crises and inspiring outbursts of courage around the globe, we present our annual People’s Choice Awards.

As we bid farewell to a year of painful crises and inspiring outbursts of courage around the globe, we look forward with hope and backward with a measure of pride. Throughout 2022, LARB has continued to uplift a wide array of voices —  some of them quite literally under siege — and to honor our commitment to fostering thoughtful conversations on topics of every sort, even amid the most difficult circumstances. Today we honor another of LARB’s traditions: our annual People’s Choice Awards. Below are 15 of the most popular articles to have appeared on our site in the past twelve months. Here you will find deeply informed dives into the history of science and technology, close looks at classic works of art and beloved TV shows, serious considerations of popular authors, lively debates on approaches to reading and reviewing, profoundly personal responses to the major events of our time, and much else.

We thank you, dear readers, for sticking with us, and we promise to keep shining bright in the year to come!

— Los Angeles Review of Books Editorial

LARB is in midst of our annual year-end Fund Drive. As a literary arts nonprofit, we depend on the support of our readers to keep publishing articles like these daily without a paywall. All tax-deductible donations made by December 31 will be matched by the generosity of an anonymous donor. Double your support of LARB's free and independent publishing by giving today! Thank you!