Nisi Shawl

Nisi Shawl has contributed reviews to The Seattle Times since the turn of the millennium, and she edits reviews for feminist literary quarterly The Cascadia Subduction Zone.  Her acclaimed story collection “Filter House” was one of two winners of the 2009 James Tiptree, Jr. Award.  She was WisCon 35’s Guest of Honor. In 2011 she edited “WisCon Chronicles 5: Writing and Racial Identity,” and with Dr. Rebecca J. Holden she co-edited the Locus Award-nominated anthology “Strange Matings: Octavia E. Butler, Science Fiction, Feminism, and African American Voices.” With Clarion West classmate Cynthia Ward she co-authored “Writing the Other: A Practical Approach.”  Her Belgian Congo steampunk novel “Everfair” is forthcoming from Tor books in 2015.  Shawl is a cofounder of the Carl Brandon Society and serves on the Board of Directors of the Clarion West Writers Workshop.  Her website is
