Spotlight on Translation: September Edition

In this spotlight you’ll find reviews of works translated from Chinese, Romanian, and other languages, as well as an interview with Jorge Luis Borges.

In this, our seventh monthly spotlight, you’ll find penetrating, expertly contextualized reviews of novels translated from the Chinese of Yan Lianke, the Romanian of Mateiu Caragiale, the Italian of Gianfranco Calligarich, and the Argentine Spanish of Pedro Mairal, of stories rendered from the Norwegian of Kjell Askildsen and of a new selection of verse by Russia’s national poet, Alexander Pushkin, as well as of a novel Lana Bastašić self-translated from Serbo-Croatian and of a collection of essays by the Polish artist and author Józef Czapski. In addition, Sinan Antoon pays homage to the late Iraqi poet Saadi Youssef, while Hilah Kohen presents a collective translation of Daria Serenko’s Russian poem on the fires in Siberia. And in a very special 11th piece, Mark Childress and Charles McNair unearth their long lost interview with Jorge Luis Borges.

— Boris Dralyuk, Editor-in-Chief

This digest is part of our year-round celebration of our 10th anniversary. To celebrate with us, please visit our anniversary page!