Spotlight on Translation: August Edition

In this spotlight you’ll find reviews of prose and verse from Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Argentine Spanish, as well as profiles of and essays on major modern and contemporary authors.

In this, our sixth monthly spotlight, you’ll find deeply engaged reviews of novels translated from Arabic of Sonallah Ibrahim, the German of Heike Geissler, the Japanese of Mieko Kawakami, and the Italian of Marina Jarre; considerations of Alfred Döblin’s pioneering climate fiction and of Marguerite Duras’s film project The Darkroom; a profile of the French feminist punk author Virginie Despentes; a look at the complicated history of Jewish Bible translations; richly contextualized takes on two recent renditions from Argentine Spanish, a novel by Betina González and a collection of poems by Susana Thénon; as well as meditations on aging and sexuality in Clarice Lispector’s short stories and on the young Billy Wilder’s longing for American kitsch.

— Boris Dralyuk, Editor-in-Chief

This digest is part of our year-round celebration of our 10th anniversary. To celebrate with us, please visit our anniversary page!

Photograph of mural in Prior Health Science Library, Ohio State University, by Ehschnell.