Tower of Power: A Poem for Donald Trump

A poem by Martin Pousson.

By Martin PoussonNovember 25, 2016

    Tower of Power: A Poem for Donald Trump

    I WANTED TO FUCK Donald Trump.

    prep school pirate, Gold Rush heir,

    real estate roulette spinner,

    reality show kingpin, beauty pageant barker,

    pussy-grabbing race-baiter, gay-baiter,

    snake-tongued speech maker,

    cocksure combover crusader.

    Who doesn't want to fuck a diamond-crusted devil?

    A gilded winner? A steel-girded tower of power?

    Sure, I wanted to fuck Donald Trump.

    So I did.

    His eyes were shifty holes on a face,

    dark narrow slits that shut out light.

    His hands were slimy wedges of flesh,

    little levers too small to grip,

    too slippery to hold, too vulgar to pull.

    His crown of hair, his coat of skin,

    his jeweled balls all nuclear orange,

    glowed with irradiating falsehood,

    glowed with the heavy breath of an old fire

    too furious to blow out drown out or stamp out.

    When I woke, my mouth tasted of bitter ash

    and sour wine. My Confederate uncle said,

    “Trump's been elected President.”

    I rolled down my panties, untucked my cock.

    One pull on the cold trigger, and I knew:

    that was my uncle’s wet dream, not mine.


    Martin Pousson was born and raised in Acadiana, the Cajun French bayou land of Louisiana. He is the author of the novels Black Sheep Boy and No Place, Louisiana, and the poetry collection Sugar.

    LARB Contributor

    Martin Pousson was born and raised in Acadiana, the Cajun French bayou land of Louisiana. His novel, Black Sheep Boy, includes stories that won a National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship. Two of his stories were finalists for the Glimmer Train Fiction Awards. His collection of poetry, Sugar, was a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award, and his first novel, No Place, Louisiana, was a finalist for the John Gardner Fiction Book Award. His writing has appeared in The Advocate, Antioch Review, EpochFive PointsNew Orleans Review, StoryQuarterly, TriQuarterly, and elsewhere.


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