New Work

By Andrei CodrescuOctober 15, 2013

    FROM: The Art of Forgetting 

    The Art of Forgetting is a radical redaction of current thinking in neurology. Like the The Art of War, it provides a practical means of practicing “forgetting as healing,” it redefines the archive(s) and presents the End as a gate to action.

    1. call it the art of forgetting

    i wrote my first autobiography
    when I was 23 years-old
       because I wanted to record the amazing things
          that had already happened to me
             to provide the writer i was planning to be
                with an initiatory infrastructure
                     good enough to build a life on

    i recorded the homeric deeds of a hero who had lived
                through being born
    after a war that killed his grandparents their friends
       and their world
          leaving only the shaken and tender flower
             of my mother's (pretty) body
    to swell with the seed of what was surely an agent
       of forgetfulness

    she bribed (with a pack of Kent cigarettes)
          the angel with the finger on the lips
             to be late at my birth
       (the story begins in utero)

    growing up in a communist country
       born itself of an ideology of forgetting
          that wasn't art but the brutal eradication of memory
             through numbered dictums that looked like verses
                but contained no music or beauty

    escaping the rhythmic swings of the whip of ideology
       and the formal poetry of mined frontiers

    to come to the U.S.
       where my world had never been forgotten
          because it hadn't even existed long enough to be remembered
             by any but its refugees who tried to forget it

    and in the course of time did
       using black magic

    but i a traitor to refugees who was also an enemy of memory
       got a reputable publisher to commission
          my autobiography

    a task that was at the age of 23 a pure act
       no axe to grind
          not enough life to have slowed long enough
             to be the subject of reflection
                or any other retrospective
    no acquaintances numerous enough to care
       except putative imaginary readers
          who far outnumbered the real people i knew

    this book i would consult in the future when
       having lived long enough to forget
    i might regard the young author from a fond distance
       to see if among the things he'd remembered
          were some i remembered still

    four decades later i did remember
       that when i wrote this at 23
          i had occasionally caused the facts
    to report the young hero’s triumphs
       over the secret police the immigration authorities
          the english language and unrequited loves
    instead of the disasters i am sure they actually were

    these adjustments were made for the sake of my future readers
          so that they would not emulate goethe's
             young werther into the abyss

          in defiance of love fulfilled yet hopeless
             my young andrei remembered himself
                in the third person

    and modestly called the story of this person
    “the life & times of an involuntary genius”


       my next autobiography
          was going to have earned enough memories
             to display itself in peacock glory
    in the first person singular
       i promised myself

    it would pick up at the exact suspenseful moment
       where my first three-hundred million years
          of remembering what "he" had gone through
             had left off
    while encompassing them naturally in the syntax of wisdom
       that is the tender or (hopefully) rough scab
          grown over the wounds of historical and oedipal hurt

    but then i read joe brainard's book "I Remember"
       and I decided
          the hell with therapy
             display only the truly remembered facts

    rewrite your life only as record
       of bodies clothes faces mustaches scents and snatches of song
          no literary ornament
             a nonlinear atemporal memory without a hero
    the world I grew up in was strange enough without me
       and so was the world i was presently living in

    but then I forgot about joe's masterful "I remember"
       my life had decided to follow the script of the infrastructure
          i invented in my first memoir

    i wrote instead "in america's shoes"
       a memoir-manifesto in the second person
          addressed majakovsky-like to my forgetful fellow americans
    who forgot as a mission of their culture by worshipping the future
       which could not be worshipped while encumbered by the past

    i was already 32 year-old by then and an american

    and thus manifesto-like passed memories and memoirs
       created written and forgotten
          with pronouns at the helm of my directionless life
             atop agitated waves on the uneasy ocean
                of things remembered then forgotten
                   at a pace without apparent rhythm
                      an art improvised by time


       forty years later I wrote without intending to
          a fourth autobiography
             in the footnotes of an essay about writing

    an essay that required more and longer footnotes as my ideas
       caught themselves and were bound by a dark underworld of seaweed
          beneath their crystalline unfolding

    the seaweed of a writerly memory that refused ideas
       without anecdotes & memory
    this seaweed autobiography i realized
       had its own agenda of wanting to reprise
    "the life & times of an involuntary genius"
       to maybe capture the 23 year-old hero
    to see how he had fared all those years i had forgotten him
       or there may have been in this the sinister intent
          to hold up to the tribunal of experience

    and thus without rereading
    that heroic saga of the youth
       who held casually in his hand
          the reins on the horses of wrath & forgetting

    i tried to recall what he had written

    had he gotten any wiser these forty years or so
       or just less casual
          as he became i

    at sixty-five years of age in year 2013 c.e.
       i pulled from the mass of swaying seaweed
          things I remembered and mythicized
             in 1970 a.d.
                without rereading the book

    what was going to be originally an essay outside pronouns
       or main character
    about the disposition of my archives
       was becoming
          a compulsion born of the archival material itself
             to justify its existence by the recall of a life
    whose writing had undergone a stupendous journey
                from calligraphy to infinite digital reproduction
                   and that my life as such
                   though only a footnote to that journey
                      of tiny black letters across time's uneasy work

    demanded its stories
       now that the horses of wrath had seemingly galloped away
          and i was just a man and a dog tossed in a barque made of books
             following an alphabet instantly erased by wind

    it wanted to know of me
       what he had wrought
    did he at 23 remember anything or everything?
       what force made him create the sea on which i foundered?

    without rereading i remember only
       that even at 23
    i had aspired to change my life with writing
          and knew even then that the things that had already happened then
             happened to a writer

    my new book “bibliodeath: my archives: (with life in footnotes)" 
          is a reflection on the art of forgetting
             in effect an ars memoriae
                that like giordano bruno's theater of memory
                  described in frances yates' magnificent book
    reprises memory not as the raison d'être or the witnessing of a person
       who found his times interesting or himself important
    but as a compulsive draw to the memory of memory and the intentions
       that animated them
          to make them a life

    writing is locked in a tight race with the brain's natural march to oblivion
       tiny letters appearing and sinking under waves
          forever trying to stay ahead of the natural squall of forgetting

    the brain provides this service gratis

       any art of memory
          must also be an art of forgetting
             things dearly paid for by you and i and he and them


    2. an exercise

    for most people with jobs
       whose occupations require a sharp exo-memory
          (an exo-skeleton of the mind, ie school)
             forgetting is a tragedy
    like when you doctor
       lose your etherized patient on the operating table
          not because you forgot eliot
             or shakespeare's birthday
    but because you can't remember what your nurse is wearing
       under that mute desire to undress her

    but if you're a poet
       forgetting is your instrument
          for cutting into the flesh of your sick time
             and its tangled and complex ideas
    connected to memories not chronological
       half-forgotten foggy moth-eaten
          passing through you in waves to some other place

    your words may be doing a creditable job
    when submerged complications erase them
       rogue waves of forgetting
          what you were thinking writing
    you stop take a breath
       and resort to a footnote


    3. how does a forgotten word generate a footnote?

    you're stuck:
    you can't remember the word "monkey"
    but know that humans or something like humans
    came from it
    it has a tail and comes in different sizes and colors
    it lives in trees and is used as an endearment and an insult
    it has fur and it peels bananas and has roles in cartoons

    you remember all that goes under the english word "monkey"
    though the word "monkey" is gone
    you know that much lives in that word
    you'll google yahoo or bing
    or ask your partner sick of the question
    "what do you call that thing?"

    so you footnote instead the forgotten word
       to reveal memories and context

    if you're plurilingual
       the lost word
    reveals the rose quartz rock underneath
       the sand of abstraction blown away by wind

    the footnote swells pushing like lava
       through words already written
    words pushed aside on either side
       of the volcanic eruption in search of "monkey"
    will get back up into the sentence
    only when "monkey" is found
    but the sentence will sport a mountain then
       an outcropping
    it has become topography
    who needs "monkey?"

    remember only the word "palimpsest"

    the unconscious teems with footnotes
       most words like most languages were (are) forgotten
    potential eruptions disrupt every word

    the moment forgetting happens
    your splendor is on the job
    raking life in an attempt to recover
    the word it no longer wants

    it occurs to me a poet
    that all persons to whatever time-task bound
    can keep a kind eye
    on forgetting

    they will be rewarded by a flexible unconscious
    that allows footnotes to erupt
    to be thereby enriched by the vision
    of all that lies beneath words and narrative convention

    the surface story that follows the logic of language
    expands à la peacock tail into footnotes
    to recreate lost worlds the agreed-upon name
    has worked for millennia to erase

    goodbye words full of stuff you've hidden!
    ciao, monkey!

    after doing this for a while you notice
    all kinds of fun true things in small type plus real good info

    the main text starts shrinking
    as words are peeled back
    revealing their lidded universes

    down with abstraction! cry us the marchers toward death

    you can be sure that we will be devoured in the end
    by the shark teeth of surfacing memory
    the force of links will tear us up
    but we'll die rich

    grandmother is a link
       “grandmother is monkey plus outer space”
    ted berrigan wrote
    the exercise of excavating "monkey" to find her
    will pleasantly occupy us until we die
    not from a disease or a symptom of ageing
    but from the heart-stopping wealth of discovery.


    FROM: dan shafran's guide to eminent vagabonds and exiles in sweden

    1. lenin

    after 20 hours of flying
        before i even checked into my hotel
     dan had me driven from the airport
        straight to the royal library in stockholm
           where he works

    he led me past carrels filled with silent scholars
       to a plain wooden table in a bare small room
          it was the table where lenin-in-swedish-exile worked
              having signed himself in the register of 1907
                  as j. frey
                  and as ulyanov in 1910

    when i stretched my hands over the plain oak surface
       polished by the hands and shirt-sleeves
          of the founder of the soviets
     his resonant voice came booming into my brain
        with the command to now visit
           all the libraries of his many exiles
                and write a poem in each of them

    and since i was now in his second
          the first having been the british museum library
             where he had signed in as richter
                  i owed him a poem immediately

    lenin boomed with rhetorical intransigence
        that having read my poem about his british library stint
        (that ghosts read all about themselves is little known)
     he had now instructed dan shafran
        (in the same booming mempsychotic fashion)

    to hand me a folder of documents about his well-documented
       exiles to sweden

    which dan did

       well-documented indeed
          were the houses he'd lived in
             no longer there
     but photographed just before being demolished

    there were others
        never photographed
           that had become mythical in stockholm
               lenin had slept everywhere in stockholm
                  in the swedish version of "washington slept here"

    (though it is known that he rarely slept and always studied)

       concluded the booming lenin voice in my brain
       you must now go to zurich
          to the library of my other bitter exiles
             and write another poem

    i tore my hot and itching hands away from the mediumatic table
        terrified of the enormous task before me
        after 20 hours of flight
     and i had the brief thought that the best mediums
        were exiles from lenin's utopia
              people like dan and myself
                 who had barely escaped the thoughts
                    born in him in this library
                       and we carried photographs of those thoughts
                           in our minds long after the utopia had been demolished

    and still lenin the iconic figure of our youth
        broadcast well to us
               in the socialist kingdom of sweden

    (for one thing it wasn't far from russia)

    but I didn't become truly scared
       (though the palms of my hands itched with the need for a pen)
       until dan told me that soviet tourists in the 20th century
     each with a flower in his hand
        waited in long lines for many hours
          to lay this flower on lenin's oak desk
     having travelled for days by bus direct from the kremlin
         where they had laid more flowers on his glass tomb

    this was their reward for being heroes of labor
    and so with hands calloused by steel and shovel
       they tenderly laid their grateful flower
          on the work table of the great dead comrade
             for whom they had become labor heroes
                and spent long nights on hard snowy roads
                   cupping a tender flower

    and here i was
       with my bourgeois complaint
           20 hours in flight

    what is that to a century of dead tired subjects of a library scholar?

    ok said dan
       this is the 21st century
          you can go to your hotel to sleep now
             there is always time for a  poem


    2. rené descartes

    an icy day in stockholm
       even the locals say so
          but dan takes me to a graveyard
             surrounding an old church
                and points to the frigid granite profile above the door

    rené descartes
     in trouble with the pope
       in trouble with the dutch
         having gotten a servant girl in trouble in amsterdam
           his daughter francine dead of scarlet fever
               in trouble with pascal who accused him of getting rid of god
                  migrating from one teaching gig to another
                     nassau bavaria paris dordrecht
     never without admirers
     chief among them princess elisabeth of bohemia
     to whom he dedicated principia philosophae in french in 1647
     in the hope no doubt of a permanent roof over his head & a subsidy
        rené continued to vagabond with his pen always moving
        a step ahead of the inquisition that had gotten galileo
        and thinking that he finally found the right princess
           he hired to tutor princess christina of sweden
              who may or may not have been the right princess
                 he never found out
                    shortly after arrival to the palace in stockholm
                       he took a philosopher's walk on an icy day
                          and died of pneumonia
     not necessarily because of the bone-chilling wind
     but because of the protestant princess' insistence that he rise
     early for her lessons
        he was not a morning person
     after he died he was interred in a graveyard used for unbaptised infants
        because he was a catholic in a protestant country

    after he was thus reposed princess christina abdicated her throne
    and converted to roman catholicism
       but she'd have done better to sleep late and learn in the afternoon
    it was her schedule not god
       that killed descartes
          his books were already blackindexed by the church
             and as pascal noted rené wasn't much for god

    nor did the french let him rest long
       they moved his remains
       (on an icy day)
         intending to bury him in the pantheon
            but meanwhile
               (a meanwhile that is still ongoing)
    he rests between two monks in the abbey of st. germain-de-prés
       a bohemian vagabond to the end

    and because my teeth were chattering
       from the baltic sea wind of march 2013
       four hundred years and some since the author
          of "passions of the soul"
            had exited his body
     we went inside the church where the ushers waved us gracefully in
     just as a chorus of beautiful young swedes
     soared unto the glorious finale of bach's magnificat
        to a great standing ovation and loud applause

    they are not applauding for you
       dan said

    i know that
    they are applauding rené descartes

    LARB Contributor

    Andrei Codrescu is the author of Messiah, a novel, and Whatever Gets You through the Night: A Story of Sheherezade and the Arabian Entertainments. His most recent books are Bibliodeath: My Archives (with Life in Footnotes) and So Recently Rent a World: New and Selected Poems.


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