Peter Bloom

Dr. Peter Bloom is the head of the Department of People and Organisations at the Open University, co-founder of the research group REEF (Research into Employment, Empowerment, and Futures), and head of REF preparation for Business and Management. His research focuses on critically reimagining contemporary power, politics and economics — specifically related to themes of democracy, capitalism, and technology. His books include Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Globalization (Edward Elgar Press), Beyond Power and Resistance: Politics at the Radical Limits (Rowman and Littlefield International, November 2016), The Ethics of Neoliberalism: The Business of Making Capitalism Moral (Routledge, 2017), The Bad Faith in the Free Market: The Radical Promise of Existential Freedom (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), and The CEO Society: How the Cult of Corporate Leadership Transform Our World co-written Carl Rhodes (Zed Books). His writing has also been published in leading international journals as well leading international media publications. He has also served as the lead academic on a range of BBC programs including The Bottom Line on Radio 4, the Can Britain Have a Payraise aired on BBC2 and most recently the two-part television documentary The Secrets of Silicon Valley. He is currently completing the books Digital Discipline: Accounting for our Lives in the Time of Big Data (Pluto Press) and Identity, Institutions and Governance in an AI World: Trans-Human Relations, co-written with Caroline Clarke.
